
In Hindsite . . .

Everybody posted how they felt the semester went in the comments section along with all our strengths, weaknesses and what we learned!


Balloons..prizes wrapped...food boughten..posters up...everything is coming together!!!

We loved to practice in this little balcony in the Library Building. It was always quiet and bright and we made it our own little spot!

Dress Rehearsal

We did an informal rehearsal of the event Tuesday night in an empty classroom in the Library. Over all it went really well. We got everyone to practice their speeches and smooth out any rough patches or cut out any unnecessary information that was repetitive. We practiced a few of our activities and games to see potential how long they might be and to make sure the instructions were very clear for the audience. Azin Lahijani was kind enough to film parts of our rehearsal for us so we could concentrate on critiquing one another. Thanks Azin! We appreciate it! J

Week 9

Today we met in the Cafeteria at 6:00pm to go over the games and activities we would be executing on the event day. We also went over the general outline as what our event would look like and how long each segment would be. Portions of the event were delegated and fact that would be shared were firmed up.

Week 8

As a group we found it difficult when brainstorming ways to incorporate Capilano University into our event. However after discussing possible avenues we could take we decided to not only tie Cap U into a slide show, but also integrate our 21-Day Challenge into it as well. Thus, we went around campus asking fellow students what their biggest indulgence was and if they were ready to take the 21-Day Challenge with us. However even though our event was to encourage students to start leading a healthier lifestyle we also wanted to stress that to do that you don’t have to give up your biggest indulgence if its in moderation. 

Week 7

We are going to provide healthy snacks and water to the guests that attend our event. We' ve spoken to Dan Travis and recieved permission to serve food from an outside vendor. He agreed because they weren't able to provide us with food that meets our budget...YAY!!

Week 6

We created this “Guide To Healthy Living” as a promo video to emphasize the fact that our approach to a healthier life is to start small, and take it “One Step At A Time”It was a parody on the fact that when people think of exercising they often get discouraged and overwhelmed with the fact that it takes up so much time and energy out of an already busy and stressful students day. However, as you can see by watching it, we emphasized the fact that really, incorporating healthy alternatives into your life is not that difficult.