
Week 7

We are going to provide healthy snacks and water to the guests that attend our event. We' ve spoken to Dan Travis and recieved permission to serve food from an outside vendor. He agreed because they weren't able to provide us with food that meets our budget...YAY!!

1 comment:

  1. Dan Travis was really supportive and asked us to give him a detailed list of the types of things we wanted to serve as well as our budget and told us he would try and help us the best he could. Unfortunately due to the fact it was a non profit event and the money was coming from the four of us we didn't have a big budget to play with, so he was unable to provide us with what we wanted with our limited budget.
    We discussed as a group that Costco would probably be the best variety for the cheapest cost so we phoned in our order and picked it up the morning of our event along with a case of water!

    On a side note, we weren't as eco friendly as we hoped to be and one of our guests suggested that we could have brought water and reusable cups to make our event more environmentally friendly, due to the fact he was very against plastic water bottles.

    Thanks for the feedback !
