

Balloons..prizes wrapped...food boughten..posters up...everything is coming together!!!

We loved to practice in this little balcony in the Library Building. It was always quiet and bright and we made it our own little spot!

1 comment:

  1. The event went so well! :)
    We were all very nervous and unsure about how smoothly it would run, but we got lots of great feedback from our guests and Carolyn gave us some excellent advice for any future events we host or presentations we give.
    Personally, I think the fact that our personal stories were so well received, made it easy for our guests to relate. They told us we really connected with them and motivated them on a different level than past events, which was exactly what we wanted.

    Sarah and I still struggled not to memorize our speeches, but we practiced for 2 hours prior and as well as the night before, so we felt confident we would do well.

    Great Job Guys!
