
In Hindsite . . .

Everybody posted how they felt the semester went in the comments section along with all our strengths, weaknesses and what we learned!


  1. When I first registered for Event Marketing 5 months ago, I was a little uncertain whether the amount of work tied to this course would be too much for my course load. Countless numbers of friends and peers had told me to brace myself because it was more of a 6 credit course than a 3 credit one, regarding the work and time you had to segment off for each project. However, I decided solely on the fact that because Carolyn was teaching it, and I loved her approach to the other 2 courses I’d taken with her that it couldn’t be too difficult if I enjoyed it…
    That said, this has been the most stressful and time consuming semester of my entire high school and university career, I’ve ever experienced.
    In combination with my 3 other courses, my job and social life my “to-do” list was often endless.
    Our group was a very dynamic team of individuals. We had many disagreements and a lot of conflicting schedules, which made for a stressful group atmosphere, often making my normal anxiety towards school even greater. In my opinion it was the poor communication between our group members that made our meetings very unproductive. Thus, we started using email, facebook and text messaging to try and alleviate some of the miscommunication, but when people weren’t responding we decided to just start meeting again regularly on Wednesdays at 10:30am until class.
    However all that said, as the semester went on we started communicating better and the event started to come together. We had our share of laughs and good times creating the slide shows, videos and rehearsing for the event. But
    I’ve learned a lot of skills throughout this course regarding how to go about organizing an event and the countless tasks that have to be complete before you can even begin to plan it. However, if I had to choose one thing that I could take away from this whole experience it would be that no matter how stressed you are, or how discouraged you feel, in any area of your life; that nothing is getting done and all the pieces of the puzzle are missing and a mess, everything always works out. With patience, hard work and countless late nights, no matter how many things I had to do, everything always got completed to the best of my ability. Patience is so key to any area of your life, no matter what route you take, and I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the most patient person. I’m very independent so learning to take a step back and relax and wait is extremely difficult for me, but this whole experience has pushed me to a level I never thought I’d be able to handle.
    I’ve gotten to know my group fairly over the course of the term and even though most of us see things from different perspectives, each one of them had something valuable to offer, and for that I’m very greatful to each one of them.

    Thanks for all your hard work guys, great job!


  2. Over the course of the semester, I've learned a lot. The event marketing class had a lot of ups and downs for for me. The scope of work that is involved with hosting a single event is very intricate and broad. Now I understand why so many different people are needed for the execution of a successful event.

    That being said,I found it difficult to balance a full course load and a job this semester. I can partly blame myself for this, procrastination is one of my downfalls. The business program at Capilano combines a group of people from a wide range of demographics. Delegating and scheduling meetings can be difficult with people that all have busy schedules.

    I was very happy with our event, and thoroughally enjoyed the other events. I think this was a good learning experience for myself. I need to learn how to be more patient with others, because during stressful times negative energy only makes things worse. Sometimes life brings you things that are entirely beyond your control, and worrying and stressing makes me crazy! I need to learn how to stay calm and hopefully reduce the pressure I put on myself.

    I'm very relieved this semester is over, and know my group is as well. I believe there is no hard feelings left and we can definately work together again in the future.


  3. I have never taken a course like this before. However I did for the most part enjoy it since the course focused more on the experience rather than the lecture and studying factor. Doing things hands on and giving presentations gave me valuable experience and knowledge.

    With that said my group consisted of several different but strong individuals at very different times in their lives. We never always saw eye to eye but the work that was put out and the presentations we made were great. Most importantly the event turned out very well.

    Aside from learning about how to create an event. This course has also taught me a lot about myself. Before this class i never really looked at myself and tried to sell everything i have done like in the elevator pitch. I also learned what motivates me to live a healthy life style. Lastly, i also learned how to work with different people with different views.

    I'd like to thank my group for the hard work they put in and to say that any sort of conflict was strictly school mentality or better put in a different expression, "it was just business" and should not be taken personally. Good luck to all of you and your future endeavors.

  4. This is Justin Ng by the way.
