
Week 3

Today we decided to start filming for our exercise video we were going to show during the “get fit” portion of our event. We wanted to put a lot of humor into it, mainly focusing and stressing on the fact that people make exercising out to be such a time consuming and traumatic activity, when it really is so simple. After spending countless hours brainstorming ideas on different ways we could inject humor into our informational video, and many more hours filming we decided to take a different direction, so unfortunately didn’t end up using very many of them. Although at the time we were very discouraged with the time we potentially “wasted”, the whole process was still a large part of our bonding experience as a group.

Because we had to incorporate Capilano University into our event, or their image in some way, we decided it would be a good idea to get to know some of the exercise facilities and programs they offered to students. After exploring some of the fields and indoor courts we took a look at our weight/exercise room and were very surprised. It was so tiny! We were amazing that with the amount of donations we receive every year and the over all health conscious students we have that we wouldn’t have a more sufficient weight room with a wider variety of machines and work out equipment. However we ran into the department head of the sports-plex and found out that is it expected to expand to house a larger variety of machines to satisfy not only the students at Cap, but the staff as well.

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